Available triggers

  • New Contact
  • New Company
  • New User
  • New Tagged Contact
  • New Workgroup

Available actions

  • Add/Update Subscriber
  • Create Email Campaign
  • Send Email Campaign
  • Unsubscribe Email
  • Add Subscriber to TAG
  • Create Contact
  • Create Company

About Solve

Solve is a productivity CRM for teams to manage customer workflows. Simplify all record keeping, scheduling, communication and information sharing - especially when mobile.


Use this zap to add new Solve CRM contacts to your Mailpro contacts and automatize email communication, invite contacts to events and more.

Here are some ways to use Solve with Mailpro:

  • You can add new Solve CRM contact to Mailpro.
  • Send new Solve CRM contact a welcome email from Mailpro.
  • Add new Solve CRM contact to your Mailpro email newsletter.


In order to use Mailpro with Solve360 CRM through Zapier you are required to have a Mailpro account, a Zapier account, and of course an Solve360 CRM account to make a successful connection with Mailpro. The Solve360 CRM account needs administrator permissions and be a paid account.

  1. The first thing you'll need to do is login into Zapier either with a Google account, Facebook account or with an email and password. If you don’t have a Zapier account, you can create one.
    Setup Solve 1
  2. After you login you can look for Mailpro in the search bar on top of the page, to find all Mailpro’s zaps or templates we already created. You can also click on the “Make a Zap” button and in the resulting page look for Solve360 CRM to start a Trigger event that will execute an Action in Mailpro.
  3. First you will need to select the Trigger event in Solve360 CRM, and then you will be asked to Sign in to Solve360 CRM and grant access to your account by providing an API Token (in your Solve360 CRM account settings look for the “More” option and then the API Token tab), in order to get the information needed for the zap to work, and share data with Mailpro. Usually this login is done once and it’s kept archived in your Zapier account for future use.
    Setup Solve 2
  4. After you sign in to Solve you may be asked to finish setting up options for the Trigger event to work. You can verify that the connection is working and then you click in the “Continue” button.
  5. Setup Solve 3
  6. Then you will have to select the Action event in Mailpro, and you will be asked to sign in to Mailpro and grant access to your account, in order to access the information needed for the zap to work, and receive data from the other application. Usually this login is done once and it’s kept archived in your Zapier account for future use.
    Setup Solve 4
  7. After you sign in to Mailpro you may be asked to finish setting up options for the Action event to work. It could be associated to contacts, messages or SMS. Depending of each type of information, just follow the steps and instructions presented. You can verify that the connection is working and then you click in the “Done” button.
  8. At the end of the setup process you need to activate the zap in order for it to start working.

Mailpro è in questo momento in modalità di accesso anticipato con Zapier (integrazione beta), quindi se vuoi usare Mailpro nei tuoi Zap, dovrai accettare un invito nel seguente link: Accetta l'invito


Circa Mailpro

Mailpro è una soluzione di marketing online per e-mail e SMS. Ti consente di creare newsletter dall'aspetto professionale in pochi minuti per i tuoi clienti con i nostri +560 modelli reattivi gratuiti. Quindi puoi inviare la tua newsletter a migliaia di contatti e-mail in pochi secondi con semplici passaggi. Successivamente, puoi monitorare l'efficacia delle tue campagne e-mail con le nostre statistiche dettagliate e prendere decisioni strategiche per raggiungere un piano di marketing via e-mail e SMS di successo.

Per maggiori informazioni visita it.mailpro.com


Circa Zapier

Zapier è un servizio di automazione web. Con Zapier puoi creare Zap in grado di automatizzare parti della tua attività. Uno Zap (o connessione) è un progetto per un'attività che si esegue ripetutamente, che può comportare un'impostazione complessa o che richiede diversi passaggi da eseguire.

Zapier ti consente di lavorare in modo più efficiente collegando le app Web online che usi con Mailpro per creare attività automatizzate e ottenere il massimo dai tuoi dati utilizzando una semplice interfaccia di trascinamento della selezione.

Per maggiori informazioni visita zapier.com

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